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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Renamed Post Title
Research for NM buyers of Win95 Abadonware Manual Set, printed with no attached or implied magnetic media, included are technical schematics of flowcharts and a full set of binary in fortran punch cards, just the way the GOLDEN ALTAR TO 6502 GOD ANUBENDERUS would want it.  Ancient, and uncompilable, so he can fart the useless 1's and 0's and ruin the choking smell of meat bags, with their saturation and stink, all those ugly long binary digits.  Bender(c)@ComedyCentral&MattGroenering&KikiAI :::: about:request/?summon=mediator%0A%0D STOP

I have an original ti 994/A VISISPELL the smart selling for out fiv
