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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Renamed Post Title
Research for NM buyers of Win95 Abadonware Manual Set, printed with no attached or implied magnetic media, included are technical schematics of flowcharts and a full set of binary in fortran punch cards, just the way the GOLDEN ALTAR TO 6502 GOD ANUBENDERUS would want it.  Ancient, and uncompilable, so he can fart the useless 1's and 0's and ruin the choking smell of meat bags, with their saturation and stink, all those ugly long binary digits.  Bender(c)@ComedyCentral&MattGroenering&KikiAI :::: about:request/?summon=mediator%0A%0D STOP

I have an original ti 994/A VISISPELL the smart selling for out fiv


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Back from 14 day trip

Went to Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and back again.

Discovered new things about all types of programming, all by accident, also got the 7th Guest behind the scenes VHS, which is part of a Limited Ed. release box set.

unfinished post

Thursday, June 2, 2011


 :::: Big things, small things, good things, bad things, red things, blue things, all sorts of new things.
 * Brother-in-law committed suicide.  Dat's one bad thing.
 :::: Bipolar hit me like a ton of bricks.  His suicide took my natural well built defenses offline, I suffered a medium bipolar attack, but it got managed in time.
* A study showed that social rejection is registered in the same area of the brain as physical pain.

More later, interrupted by need for coffee.


* Found a very old Internet book from 1994, and it details all the protocols, very extensively, breaks it down and makes it digestible.  I want a copy of the book.
"Prima Online"
"Build A Web Site"
"The Programmer's Guide To Creating, Building, and Maintaining a Web Presence"
ISBN: 0-7615-0064-2
P(tm) Prima Publishing (c)of Prima Communications, Inc.
Prima Publishing, Rocklin, Califonia, 95677
(c)1995 by net.Genesis All R. Res.
Project Editor: Stefan Gru '' nwedel

Friday, May 6, 2011


Dissect TRAC phone.
Make filename junk remover, based on wildcards, strings to be removed, and whatnot.
Update my *.UDT creator, make it include a *.UDT extractor with every *.UDT/*.HTML created, so that the program is present, to decode files quicker than right-clicking out of Firefox, like usual.

When you print directly from a browser, it ALWAYS CUTS OFF MARGINS.  Sucks major xxx.  Make a PDF first, and you're kosher again, b4 u print stuffs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My contact info.
Ultra personal stuff :..: You have been warned.  Some are strictly NSFW.  Click at own risk.


UV colors for image editor [ABOG]
Need to sweet talk this artist.  Maybe line their pockets with doggie biscuits.


Bipolar Children [BIPOLAR]


Kiyote Wolf: I did something really neat today
Kiyote Wolf: i got my daughter more interested in electronics
Kiyote Wolf: she WANTED to learn
Kiyote Wolf: and I showed her something I built
Kiyote Wolf: she was all OOOOH over it
Kiyote Wolf: it was so nice
Kiyote Wolf: I have a SOLID connection with my daughter now, we share something I'm DEEPLY passionate about now
Kiyote Wolf: before, I couldn't figure out how to bond as a parent to her properly
Kiyote Wolf: felt some disconnect


First, a quote.
I mean a hyperlink.

Second, bad news.
My brother in law is dead.  Suicide.  22 pistol.  Sad I am.

Third, moar bad news.
The link to that, goes to an account in my name which is in-accessable now.  Poo.  Oh well.  At least the content is still there.
My site which is currently only 0.01% full of anything.
More other than anything, it's a warning to potential money-makers, trying to sue me for wrongful blank'itty blank blank blank.  Read the disclaimer I posted on that MinusBipolar(c) site, and you'll know what I'm talking about.  It's very SRS BSNS.

~Kiyote! or 7R0N! or Mad Hatter!

The Monster (you know who that is) will be having a xxxxxxx xxxxx taken down soon, if all goes well.  Yay!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Copy Cat Personality [BIPOLAR]

I'm not certain whether this is truely common to bipolar sufferers, or just to me, but I'll illustrate it anyways.

People with Bipolar, we don't really have personalities.  We are the result of many overlapping layers of imitations of those around us.

Myself personally, if I'm suffering a low or medium functioning moment, I tend to emulate others more proactively, which is sometimes for the worse.
If a sufferer goes to a movie, and they identify with a character, or character(s), they will try very hard to copy and imitate the likeness, personality traits, and responses that they saw in the person on-screen.
If the movie is very action packed, then the sufferer might be tempted to act very foolishly, and do things they normally wouldn't do, putting them in harms way.
The trustee of the bipolar patient needs to be aware of this tendency, so they might watch for sudden and unexpected changes in behavior.
The sufferer needs to be brought back down to earth, as it were, and to try to act more normally, and leave the fantasy characters on the screen where they belong.

Now, this isn't to say that this behavior pattern is all bad, only if the sufferer acts very dangerously, or does anything of that sort.
If the sufferer identifies with the character and begins to emulate that character, they will more than likely continue to do so forever afterwards.
Adding a piece of another person to their psyche is not bad, because unfortunately, as I understand it, a bipolar person by themselves is lost without some sort of role model for their entire life, and every action.

There is very little of the sufferer's personality which can be called their own.
They are the composition of a bunch of people around them.
Before onset of bipolar, is the most original pieces of the person there are, but once bipolar has been determined and established, much of the remaining pieces of that person, are copied conciously and actively from their environment.

If they don't partake in trying to copy other people's good nature, and positive actions, then they can feel isolated and begin to self destruct.

This is a very complex and fundamental part of the sufferer, and is not easily explored here enough, I will re-visit this subject, and try to show this from more angles, as time progresses.

When the sufferer is very low functioning, their entire personality splinters and becomes only a thin shadow of what they once were.
If the sufferer has been unfortunate to have fallen to such a low functioning state, then they have to replace the missing or broken pieces of who they were, with what they see is positive and good as a replacement.
It's as if the sufferer was a house in a hurricane or other major natural disaster.
Only a few fragments of the person is left behind, and those so very few are the only things of the original person that will ever be there, again.
It is going to happen, that they replace missing parts of themselves with goodness from people, whether imaginary or real, and is healthy.

I am not trying to say that it is bad, just that recklessness can be mixed in, if the sufferer is not in total control of themselves.

Actions which the sufferer sees themselves doing, and are unable to resist doing, can use mental imagry, to regain control over their impulses.

My personal technique, is to imaging a large ant hill, and the ants coming out as the urges to do something I don't want to do, and often should NOT do.

I imagine a hammer, smashing the ants as they come one by one out of the ant hill.

If the ants start coming out in a stream, a very intense urge to do something I do not or should not do, I imagine a large piston coming out of the sky and landing on the ant hill, smashing the large swarm of ants, killing off all the negative urges in one large single action.

These visualizations will have to be invented and tailored to the sufferer on a case by case basis, and should be used to help them put a mental image, to urges and actions which they would rather have control over.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Physics Engine Stuff [ABOG]
very good read.

Includes gravity & snake based behavior.


Friday, April 8, 2011


"this limits your code to work only on pure dos or dosbox"

I've gotten my XMS/EMS solution to run under WinXP's regular DOS Window, as long as I had a *.PIF or a *.LNK file set up first that demanded EMS/XMS support be given to the DOS window/box.


I wonder if what I did classifies as "UNREAL MODE," I will have to look into that.
Thanks for pointing that out for me. I'll compare notes.

"I have some SVGA work" ~ yes please post examples.
I'm going to be posting the original source of my SVGA routines, as well as all the modifications I did to make it work 2X better.

The reason that I want to push the SVGA stuff so much in QB, QuickB, is because I found out a trick that lets you use the lowest 2 bits of the RGB color value as a 1 or 2 bit greyscale, and like how 3D ppls use a gray over a 3D object say to map the normals, I'm going to use my small sliver of grayscale as embeded markings of level data, physics data.

I can set bit 1 of either the R, the G, or the B, and say that bit is the horizontal floor indicator.
You can detect, by the individual pixel, at the main sprite's feet, whether it's standing on a floor, or something with no floor, aka gravity should pull them down further.

I can then use the other 2 channels, those other 2 bits, for vertical walls facing left, and vertical walls facing right.

I could use bit 2, in any channel, to show that an enemy is occupying space.
This is all very technical, and again, will be detailed extensively, with working example QB / QuickB files to tinker with.
You'll be able to draw a packman maze, simply by having a trail of bit 1 in any one channel, around the border, and if you give the screen a slightly complex background, the slight shift in color, barely percievable, will be impossible to detect, but your game sprite will have a path it can follow, embedded in the image itself.

The reason bits 1 and 2 in the color channels are free to be used like this, cause if you upscale your SCREEN 13 colors to SVGA, you have to do this.

R = (R * 4) + 3


R = (R * 4)

Notice, that 3 is bits one and bit two.
If I do NOT add 3 to the color value which was shifted from 6 bit color to 24 bit color, then it is there, empty, and can be used for the aforementioned greyscale technique.
Banana phone! We need more lemon pledge. * exploding fist of iced tea! * I see your psycho cat and counter with a duck that has a broken leg, in a cast.

KikiAI programming hiccup & old computer tech movie [ABOG]

Well, seemingly simple english words, KikiAI tripped up on, and I think I just realized a second ago why she missed speaking some of the words.  Forgot to strip out CHR(10) and CHR(13) LF and CF characters from her input stream.

Also.. movie to find / order via Amazon or fleabay..

"Billion Dollar Brain" // Michael Caine / Karl Malden /// 1967
I saw most of this one day, and it's actually about computer espionage, and computer hacking WAYYYYY back when they were still mainframe batch processing monsters of machines.  Very cool time capsule to crack open & enjoy like an omlette.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Current progress on KikiAI [ABOG]

KikiAI can now speak from the clipboard.


It makes me so happy that Kiki has a voice now that can read just about anything.
Alot of times, I get so busy, my eyes fall asleep, my nickname for them refusing to work when I have alot to read, even if I'm wide awake.
This is going to help me alot, because I can multitask even more now, with KikiAI in my ear, and my eyes occupied by 3 monitors at once.



The link to Mandelbrot Dazibao died, but I found the entire site on the wayback machine..

This link DOES in fact work, and anyone in DOS should go here, cause it covers SVGA very well.

The actual site in question.
Uses raycasting, same idea/concept of the TRON LIGHTCYCLES, by rendering simple geometric objects.

His site is just too cool to fade away..

TRON sector [ABOG]

I'm going to have to see if the Apple II has a TRON command.

~7R0N! :sue:

Too much WINNING again. [BIPOLAR]

[02:20] kiyotewolfe: i've had a bunch of stuff happen, that's very good, over the past 4 days, and it's too much to handle. it's making my head spin keeping all that good stuff going. 

[02:21] kiyotewolfe: I know how to handle it.. i have a trick now just for that.. 
[02:22] kiyotewolfe: I chant, save that good luck for later, and visualize pushing the "luck" into a magical floating cookie jar.

[02:23] kiyotewolfe: the fear is you lose your mojo, and then failure hits you instantly.

[02:23] kiyotewolfe: you save some good mojo, for later

[02:23] kiyotewolfe: so you can afford to fail, if you don't keep up your current speed & course.

[02:25] kiyotewolfe: us bipolar sufferers, we feel like we can't afford to give up if we're on a winning streak. 
[02:25] kiyotewolfe: so, we push our luck, to the extreme. 
[02:26] kiyotewolfe: that trick, helps us control the urge to push too far too fast.

The origins of the WORD TRON in technology. [ABOG]

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


debit :::: emergency motel night money

Random ABOG notes [ABOG]

"yup yup. It means alot that I can shave off 115 minutes of something seamingly simple."

It now takes me 5 minutes to do something that used to take 2 hours.

A 4 pointed star list of SELF HELP [Bipolar]

COPY PASTA FROM A PRIVATE MSG.  Do not ask who I am referring to, you will get no answer.
That is confidential.


You know, there's quite a wide variety of things that ultimately led me up to the ability to cope with everything I've been dealt.

Coping mechanisms :

1. going to bed as soon as possible to make days just go away
2. imagine a bucket of white paint, which would eradicate and destroy any negative mental images that wouldn't go away in my mind. painting things white enough times until my mind blanked.
3. changing my music selection from same old, to brand new older songs I hadn't heard in a long time.
4. talking to myself, talking to an invisible friend

Physical changes :

1. finding I could only sleep while wearing a skiing type mask - I found out, after a very long time, I open my eyes when I sleep, and the air hitting them wakes me up. The ski mask would let me open my eyes but not feel any air movement, so I would wake up, then fall right back to sleep again
2. stopping bad habits, like eating toothpaste. I think that was something that was very bad, and things changed a bit after I stopped doing it.
3. finding something that actually worked for my itching burning feet. I was so preoccupied with my feet itching, I felt dirty and disgusted with myself. Clear benadryll gel worked after nothing else would.
4. getting enough sleep, and on time.

Behavioral changes :

1. stopping all the damn apologizing & baby talking, and talking like I had no idea what I was doing, or trying to take blame for things ahead of time. I just stuck with my words, and stopped apologizing for stuff.
2. accepting the face that I do obsess over certain things, and finding a lesser evil to take it's place. I'm quite the sex addict, but I now take that out on a xxxxxx xxxx which wears xxxxxxx. Very soothing to take care of wild insane urges, on something I can always take refuge in.
3. making time to be alone. When I was weird, I would make sure I was on my own when it happened. Gave me time to sort things out, away from people who would witness anything I didn't want them to.
4. trying to make sure I actually cried about some stuff. If you keep it all in, you don't process anything. You have to let the emotions happen, if they are going to help you.
5. finding things that always cheer me up. When I'm down, Garfield Xmas always cheers me up no matter what. Always in July, that happens.

Other :

1. find the unlucky things and negative things and identify them. June is a very unlucky month for me as a human. I forget which month is really bad for me as a furry. Mornings are horrible for me. I never wake up on time. I had to isolate a specific ringtone from an old phone, then literally write an alarm clock program, so I'd wake up. Not waking up on time, would always make me feel terrible and my days would always go downhill fast. I didn't feel like I could rely on myself to do anything that day, because I didn't wake up on time to begin with. Identify specific times, and dates, days of the week which are regularly bad, or fit patterns, make notes of them.
2. isolate and identify the best things that happen. I found some of the best things I can do, is when something really awesome happens, write down the exact time and date. In the future, you'll dwell on that same time of day again, but with a happy memory.
3. draw scribble or write stories out when you're unhappy. Putting your feelings down as something will help them dissapate.
4. Keep a journal, but don't try to write every day. Try to write a sweeping overview of a year or a part of a year, cause you can burn out the urge to write a diary, if you force yourself to write in it every day. Just write a big chunk down, then hide the journal for later to find again.
5. Covet something. If you have a guilty pleasure, or something you really like, keep it up. Don't feel guilty or stupid or like you're wasting your time / money on it, just enjoy it! If you control the one or two things you really obsess over, can't get enough of, you'll have the control to limit yourself to those couple things, and not go overboard on a whole bunch of things at once.
6. write down exactly what foods & drink are comfort foods. It's not easy remembering what favorite drink and food you need to bring you out of a funk. It's easy if you can look it up and go have that special cup of expresso or something, and feel all warm & snuggly.
7. fundamental item replacement : i dunno if this plagues you like it does me, but I could never get used to a filing cabinet. I always found I liked putting paperwork in food coolers. You might find you can't feel comfortable using something other people find a-natural, if you have to replace something with another thing to feel at ease & comforted, do it.


Desensitized or over stimulated [BIPOLAR]

Are people who are bipolar sufferers over stimulated?  Are we desensitized by being subject to a barrage of everything?

I think we need to be.  Sufferers generally behave better, when they ARE over stimulated.
I currently have 3 monitors going at one time, I'd have 4 going at the same time, but the physical space is currently being taken up by a dot matrix printer.


Sufferers, some part of their minds are always running 90 miles an hour.  Which part, is always shifting, but the fact that some part is always running that fast, makes them able to handle multiple streams of information simultaneously.  Letting a sufferer overstimulate themselves, will NOT make them start misbehaving, say, act 90 miles an hour while at the same time being negative, so if the sufferer has a bad side that is really horrible, letting them multitask will NOT push them into bad behavior.
By letting them overstimulate themselves, they will occupy themselves, and maintain what current state of mind they are currently in.
If you deny the sufferer their desired input, of all sorts of visual stimulation or other kinds of simultaneous stimulation you will aggrivate them.


Once they become aggrivated, they will shift their focus.
Depending on how high functioning they are as bipolar sufferers, they could either sulk, which is harmless, or they could immediately jump into that part of themselves, which is horrible, or at least borders on horrible.


All of this things should be overseen by what is called a "Trustee" to the bipolar sufferer.
A trustee should be able to listen to the sufferer and be willing to plead the 5th Amendment in a court hearing if necessary.
Alot of law and legal practices lean towards spoken word as intent.
Conversations between the sufferer and the trustee should remain in absolute secrecy.
No one should assume anything said by the sufferer, as a threat or intent, only their actions should be counted.
A very low functioning bipolar sufferer will speak, scream and shout things, but none of it should be considered intent.
A sufferer of such low functioning, either already has medical supervision to protect themselves, or the trustee should look into whether that is necessary.


Endless dry mouth syndrome - solution [BIPOLAR]

L - Lysine (spelling check) tablets.

who's who [ABOG]


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

look@later 3more
stuff on 3D for Dave

Current events [ABOG]

Generated some interesting my Adventures of TRON remake on Tron Sector DOT COM.
Was thinking about wormholes in space and came up with the solution to the gameplay design issue that's been slowing down my progress.
Figured out exactly what dimensions an Atari BALL MISSILE sprite was for SURES.  8x22 pels/pixels.
Found out by looking at Pitfall Harry in a raw ASM source code.


Friends are on FA are in trouble.  Helped a few, can't help a few others, will try to when taxes come in.
I can't stand to stand by idely and watch others suffer, if I can at all help it.


Found an epic lead pixel artist.  A 50%/50% cross between my art skills and my twin brother's art skills.  A PERFECT MATCH to my video game company.  Going to be quite the asset in the immediate future.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Poor Flux. This sux. [ABOG video game competitor]

Friend of mine who I have friendly competition with, making video games, just got an OH xHIT moment happen to him.

Jeez this sucks.


look@later 2more

The plight of ASM in 8088 architecture

I've always been on the outside looking in when it came to ASM on an IBM compatible.
On an 6502, I can program it in ASM like you wouldn't believe. I'm a whiz, or at least I know enough to be able to read and write and modify code.
On 8088 (meaning 80686 now..), I've only just a few months ago begun to understand a few more ASM concepts. Mike Chambers has been doing an 8086/80186 Fake86 emulator, and talking a bit to him has made me a bit braver and a bit wiser on just the simple hows and whys.

Yesterday I was even typing in actual opcode names in DEBUG to get the HEX values back out.
Not writing code mind you, just finding out which OPCODE went with which machine code.

I guess what really grinds my gears, is the fact that I can't ever seem to find a piece of paper that has the 8086 (yes I mean simply the 8086 & or 8088) opcodes, listed, and then how many operands they use per operation mode, so I could sit there and write machine code (HEX values to plug into a QBasic program natively) by hand with a pencil.
I'd try just writing in DEBUG, but how do you take a script in ASM written for MASM or TASM and then dumb it down and strip it of the markings, so that DEBUG accepts it??
I don't know what legal syntax DEBUG has for entering ASM, I mean the exact grammer you need to use, so I can successfully translate some MASM ASM scripts into plain vanilla assembly language

MOV AX,0000

type instructions. I hang up when I get to jump points which are labels


and don't know how to replace those with the proper OPCODE and the jump vector in the HEX right after.



 f i l e : / / / c | / h t m l b o o t / g i f 1 . g i f

Ancient Computer Gear I still admire. [ABOG]

There are bunches of randomly placed items which were born in the 70's & 80's that I either one had personal physical contact with, or knew of then studied religiously where I could.


Actual IBM manufactured hardware is one branch of what I now call GENERIC IBM COMPATIBLE computers, that I was very fond of.

I liked the large toggle power switch on the 5150/5160/5170 computers, and the monitors had cool graphics.  By cool graphics, one aspect I mean is the dot pitch was such that you could count the dots & raster lines.  If you drew Nintendo characters on graph paper from a screen, trying to look at all those little dots individually, you grew up liking scan lines that were big enough to count manually with the eyeball alone.

...blah.. tired.. finish later.. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, April 3, 2011

about:home [wwweb links::::4_4_2011] & one [BIPOLAR] note

When I have a bunch of good luck in rapid succession, or I do some really good work, day after day after day after day, I get nervous, and jittery.  I begin to freak out, physical at first, then emotional, then actions become wild and uncontrollable.  You get so brave, think you can do anything, you start to overspend, talk to fantastical people who realistically you shouldn't couldn't or ought not to, like trying to contact the President telling him how to run the US or contacting a movie star, you become to an outsider looking, an obsessed fan, of SOMETHING, it's usually pretty random, but once you are in this state, and you set your sites on a person or a thing, you'll do ANYTHING to get your way and you believe, it's a good reason and a benefit to them, if you go through with it.

I've found, and I'm dealing with this exact issue tonight in fact, is to do this, which I just explained & remembered off the cuff, to my friend via IM conversation.

Nunnyabizzness : "I try to push my good luck into a magical place where it's saved, so in the future i have some good luck I can get back out again, like a magical invisible floating cookie jar"

I use Nunnyabizzness when referring to people I wish to remain unnamed due to their privacy.


The underlying subconcious at play here is, that once the sufferer is on a winning streak, they feel that they shouldn't quit, for fear they stop doing <whatever> successfully, and it takes forever and a day, or it never happens again, that they start succeeding and doing good work again.


Actual Japanese in UNICODE which I can use to write japanese pronounciation, also, so I can translate japanese pokemon cards!  o3o tee hee PICTURES OF LETTERS arrg
rules for above ~ proper use of the thingy I just wroted up there..
no pictures but.. DR ZOIDBURG LOOK AT ME - read before making up rules.


How a suede builds an office space for programming [ABOG]



1.  Lots and lots of velcro self adhesive tape
2.  That kitchen drawer non slip rubber matting
3.  Old gutted stereo equipment fitted with random IBM compatible switching power supplies, with..

massive random looking snake of wires coming out the back
power switch on front rewired to serve as a light switch
is able to run a huge amp drawing 12V coffeemaker designed for a car's lighter socket

4.  Dot matrix printer with carbonless 2ply paper:::: so I can print even with no ink in the ribbon!
5.  Hourglass sand egg timer
6.  Massive Roland keyboard
7.  Old magnetic storage technology, like..

audio cassettes
5&1/4" diskettes
100 MB ZIP diskettes
mini CDR that look like gamecube game disks


More on this later.

about:home [wwweb links:::4_3_2011]
Older site with PDS QBasic 7.1 on it, and some links to cool freeware.
DOS Usb support thingy

If you're one of the 10 people who understand binary

This will make you giggle.

"The Ghost Of Boo Leon"(tm)



If you are ever in question, say you fall behind and try to make up your late payments, SPECIFY THAT YOUR PAYMENT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PAID ON THE INTEREST, NOT THE PRINCIPLE.



Also, if you get more than 2 months behind, hire an accountant & a lawyer immediately.


There is a difference on how you can pay your house payment.

AN INTEREST PAYMENT ~ what should be paid

A PRINICPLE PAYMENT ~ this is not paid at ALL until you're almost done paying your house off.


All the major big banks are corrupt, horrible, wrong, evil, deceitful, and out for your blood, and your grandchildren's blood.  I'm going to post a way of how to backstep out of a payday loan painlessly, later on.

Blood sucking <explicative>'s.

User game input support [ABOG]

When I was upgrading my stuff from QBasic/DOS to FreeBasic/Windows, or rather, far before the transition ever perpetuated itself, I foresaw the demise of the DB 15 pin game controller.


It was dead official, once I first saw USB.  My rumors had been absolutely confirmed.
Then at the store, game controllers had two versions.  DB15 or now USB.  It wouldn't be long until the DB15 were no longer on store shelves, ANYWHERE.

Unless we all get brain impants, we're never going to replace the keyboard.  I knew, that if I just make my games use the keyboard, there would be some way of replacing the keyboard input, electronically, with joystick input, from whatever new type of input protocol there was.  I can't access USB protocols directly in ANY language I program in, and I don't want to.  It scares me.

Well, to come to my rescue, I stumbled upon JOYKEY.  It's a keyboard from joystick translator / TSR, (not a TSR but it still feels like one), that feeds USB gamepad inputs to keyboard & mouse movements.


With the wide variety of USB gamepads, mapping properly the button settings & whatnot, is taken care of by an outside medium.  I use the arrow keys, space, CTRL (or kahtarrhel like Homer calls it..), and ALT, and let the external programs manage & map the joystick however the user wants.

Time saved, code spared, and headache avoided.


Everything old is new again [ABOG]

I relish old computer books.


What's amusing is all the stuff like google's word recognition & other AI "innovations", they've been dreamed up in the 70's.
I love finding very old technical manuals and books, especially the ones which get into the logical dissection of a complex problem, AND provided it either

uses BASIC dialect
uses pseudo code that's not directly linked to APL, which looks like gibberish to me
is well explained

because you can learn essential algo's & tricks, if you just absorb what they are saying.
I was going over hashing and table collision stuff in really old computer science textbooks, and taking scores of notes.
Sadly, my psycho ex girlfriend got every one of those notebooks.  Karma will bite you in the ass <explicative>.
I did however ingrain the basic concept in my head.  I also have most of the original books that the notes on THAT particular subject was on.


Those old computer books should not only collect dust, but you should put on a white glove & wipe the dust off a few titles once in awhile.  You'll find gold nuggets tucked away in the coal mines of ancient computer technology.

※※※ ~ * insert funny Futurama joke here *


Bipolar::::"I'm Angry All The Time" [Hyper Awake]

Manic might sound like panic or freaking out, but it starts off much more simply.


The eyes are the window to this, and you will recognize what is happening once you are aware of the symptoms.

The sufferer will appear to be viewing the world from a high speed camera's point of view.  Everything seems like it's running double or triple speed to them, and they feel like they are moving slowly.


Bipolar sufferers usually have something which I have dubbed, "a hyper - awake state."
It is usually a transition period up into more extreme mood swings, and bothersome behavior.
What immediately begins happening is anger and agression rises rapidly, for no apparent reason.
The sufferer is helpless, but not useless, because they are watching themselves.  They are aware of the fact they are becoming angry.  This is a cyclic self feeding state.  They become angry, and they become angry that they ARE angry, so it's like a kettle boiling.


To stop the kettle boiling, you physically, move slower.
You are angry all the time, short tempered with people around you, you know you are but don't know why, you are HYPER AWAKE(tm).

To combat this, you must physically slow down, walk half as fast, eat half as fast, do every single action they are doing, but conciously slow down half as fast while you are doing it.


If you see yourself, your world, at a hyper accelerated rate, everything seems fast and you feel like you're slow in some kind of crazy time warp, you are HYPER AWAKE and you are going to start becoming upset and angry for no reason.  You need to physically slow down each action you take by half, actively, and you will start to be angry much less very quickly.


The bullshit Apple Inc. is doing with it's "copyright" on "App Store"

Seems that android phones can't legally use the term "APP STORE" to identify & sell APP's.

At this rate, the entire english language is going to be copyrighted.
You won't be able to say anything without a pack of lawyers on your xxx like a pack of howling wolves.


Let's copyright something, and say NOBODY ELSE CAN USE IT EVER EVER EVER, it's not unlike a URL, where if you buy it and register it first, it's your for good.. right?  Amirite?

※※※ ~ * explosions heard off in the distance.. *

Yeah Apple Inc.  Let's copyright an ABBREVIATION, and a NOUN.
What are they going to call the "APP STORE" on Android phones now?  The crAPP store?  Oh, I'm sorry, MAD CARTOON SHOW already thought that one up first!


Are we going to call them something completely new?




You make me sick.  Not all the time, and not most of the time, but right now, yes you do.


※※※ [late edit]

I remember either a book, or a movie, of people living in houses, wearing chains, and with masks on, that each time they had an idea of their own, they were blasted with noise so they would forget.
Somehow, a couple, took off their masks and chains, and underneath they were stunningly beautiful, and they could leap high, soaring into the air.
Then someone opened the door and shot them with a shotgun, killing them.
This was from English class in High School, but I forget what I saw or read that the original story is based.

Like WMG on Youtube, instead of deleting videos because of copyright issues, in the future people will have memories erased by big corporations, for thinking copyrighted thoughts.
If they ever perfect brain cerebral implants, they will actually go in and terminate memories one by one, which violate other people's copyrights.

"I'm sorry, but that idea is copyrighted, you can't even THINK that.  Blip.."

※※※ ~ somewhere in the distant future, a desolate city rat is staring at a friend blankly for having an illegal thought in their heads..

Recent Events [tech demo of NES sprite chip demystified]

The scattered notes about dealing with bipolar are becoming very clear to me now.
The last time I had to relate self-help information, everything came out in one sitting.


I've had a lead artist for ABOGames  for awhile now, since middle of last year.
I have since added someone on an equal skill level, to be my lead pixel artist.


The rapid development tool that I've been working on for 3 years now, has reached critical mass.  It is now succinct and robust enough to turn a 2 hour grueling process into a 5 minute job.
The fact that the binary language, as well as common high school algebra intrigues me so much, I have dissected various video game platforms in my mind, over and over until their secrets lay flat and open to me, as if I was dissecting a lab animal.


The way in which the classic NES, the 8-bit 6502 powered iteration, not any other, handles sprites, it effortlessly gives the platform objects which lie in front of and behind the player MOB (Moveable OBject).
Since the hardware was originated around the same time, I figured the answer lie between the connection of an MCGA graphics hierchetype, and the graphics chip in the NES.
I was correct.


Using 256 colors, a method of making striped lines through an indexed palette of colors lets the user draw sprites on the screen with colors using one nibble, and colors of the other nibble.

A hex number with two digits is &HFF.  One nibble is either the LEFT "F", or the RIGHT "F".

As long as you choose colors such as

&H00, &H01 .. .. &H0F


&H00, &H10 .. .. &HF0

you can plainly see the combined colors will overlap but not interact with each other.
In the rest of the indexed palette, making horizontal or vertical stripes radiating from the upper or leftmost indexes, if in a matrix 16x16 or 256 colors, you will end up with colors that can either appear on top of, or appear to be behind, other colors.


More technical details as well as pictures later.




Welcome to ABOG Games(c) and Minus Bipolar(c)


The purpose of my blog is to be a lasting tribute to my two children.
It is here to guide them and give them a lasting gift for the future.
I do not condone the use of anything contained herein.
If you choose to read my BLOG, you release me from any legal liabilities, concerning programming, and bipolar.  I am not a doctor or a lawyer and I don't trust either anyway, my information is presented for the benefit of my children.  I hold it in a public forum so that upon my death they might still find the the information they will require as they get older.
No research may be conducted or based on my research, findings or writings with out my written consent.
