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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bipolar::::"I'm Angry All The Time" [Hyper Awake]

Manic might sound like panic or freaking out, but it starts off much more simply.


The eyes are the window to this, and you will recognize what is happening once you are aware of the symptoms.

The sufferer will appear to be viewing the world from a high speed camera's point of view.  Everything seems like it's running double or triple speed to them, and they feel like they are moving slowly.


Bipolar sufferers usually have something which I have dubbed, "a hyper - awake state."
It is usually a transition period up into more extreme mood swings, and bothersome behavior.
What immediately begins happening is anger and agression rises rapidly, for no apparent reason.
The sufferer is helpless, but not useless, because they are watching themselves.  They are aware of the fact they are becoming angry.  This is a cyclic self feeding state.  They become angry, and they become angry that they ARE angry, so it's like a kettle boiling.


To stop the kettle boiling, you physically, move slower.
You are angry all the time, short tempered with people around you, you know you are but don't know why, you are HYPER AWAKE(tm).

To combat this, you must physically slow down, walk half as fast, eat half as fast, do every single action they are doing, but conciously slow down half as fast while you are doing it.


If you see yourself, your world, at a hyper accelerated rate, everything seems fast and you feel like you're slow in some kind of crazy time warp, you are HYPER AWAKE and you are going to start becoming upset and angry for no reason.  You need to physically slow down each action you take by half, actively, and you will start to be angry much less very quickly.


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