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Sunday, April 3, 2011

about:home [wwweb links::::4_4_2011] & one [BIPOLAR] note

When I have a bunch of good luck in rapid succession, or I do some really good work, day after day after day after day, I get nervous, and jittery.  I begin to freak out, physical at first, then emotional, then actions become wild and uncontrollable.  You get so brave, think you can do anything, you start to overspend, talk to fantastical people who realistically you shouldn't couldn't or ought not to, like trying to contact the President telling him how to run the US or contacting a movie star, you become to an outsider looking, an obsessed fan, of SOMETHING, it's usually pretty random, but once you are in this state, and you set your sites on a person or a thing, you'll do ANYTHING to get your way and you believe, it's a good reason and a benefit to them, if you go through with it.

I've found, and I'm dealing with this exact issue tonight in fact, is to do this, which I just explained & remembered off the cuff, to my friend via IM conversation.

Nunnyabizzness : "I try to push my good luck into a magical place where it's saved, so in the future i have some good luck I can get back out again, like a magical invisible floating cookie jar"

I use Nunnyabizzness when referring to people I wish to remain unnamed due to their privacy.


The underlying subconcious at play here is, that once the sufferer is on a winning streak, they feel that they shouldn't quit, for fear they stop doing <whatever> successfully, and it takes forever and a day, or it never happens again, that they start succeeding and doing good work again.


Actual Japanese in UNICODE which I can use to write japanese pronounciation, also, so I can translate japanese pokemon cards!  o3o tee hee PICTURES OF LETTERS arrg
rules for above ~ proper use of the thingy I just wroted up there..
no pictures but.. DR ZOIDBURG LOOK AT ME - read before making up rules.


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