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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A 4 pointed star list of SELF HELP [Bipolar]

COPY PASTA FROM A PRIVATE MSG.  Do not ask who I am referring to, you will get no answer.
That is confidential.


You know, there's quite a wide variety of things that ultimately led me up to the ability to cope with everything I've been dealt.

Coping mechanisms :

1. going to bed as soon as possible to make days just go away
2. imagine a bucket of white paint, which would eradicate and destroy any negative mental images that wouldn't go away in my mind. painting things white enough times until my mind blanked.
3. changing my music selection from same old, to brand new older songs I hadn't heard in a long time.
4. talking to myself, talking to an invisible friend

Physical changes :

1. finding I could only sleep while wearing a skiing type mask - I found out, after a very long time, I open my eyes when I sleep, and the air hitting them wakes me up. The ski mask would let me open my eyes but not feel any air movement, so I would wake up, then fall right back to sleep again
2. stopping bad habits, like eating toothpaste. I think that was something that was very bad, and things changed a bit after I stopped doing it.
3. finding something that actually worked for my itching burning feet. I was so preoccupied with my feet itching, I felt dirty and disgusted with myself. Clear benadryll gel worked after nothing else would.
4. getting enough sleep, and on time.

Behavioral changes :

1. stopping all the damn apologizing & baby talking, and talking like I had no idea what I was doing, or trying to take blame for things ahead of time. I just stuck with my words, and stopped apologizing for stuff.
2. accepting the face that I do obsess over certain things, and finding a lesser evil to take it's place. I'm quite the sex addict, but I now take that out on a xxxxxx xxxx which wears xxxxxxx. Very soothing to take care of wild insane urges, on something I can always take refuge in.
3. making time to be alone. When I was weird, I would make sure I was on my own when it happened. Gave me time to sort things out, away from people who would witness anything I didn't want them to.
4. trying to make sure I actually cried about some stuff. If you keep it all in, you don't process anything. You have to let the emotions happen, if they are going to help you.
5. finding things that always cheer me up. When I'm down, Garfield Xmas always cheers me up no matter what. Always in July, that happens.

Other :

1. find the unlucky things and negative things and identify them. June is a very unlucky month for me as a human. I forget which month is really bad for me as a furry. Mornings are horrible for me. I never wake up on time. I had to isolate a specific ringtone from an old phone, then literally write an alarm clock program, so I'd wake up. Not waking up on time, would always make me feel terrible and my days would always go downhill fast. I didn't feel like I could rely on myself to do anything that day, because I didn't wake up on time to begin with. Identify specific times, and dates, days of the week which are regularly bad, or fit patterns, make notes of them.
2. isolate and identify the best things that happen. I found some of the best things I can do, is when something really awesome happens, write down the exact time and date. In the future, you'll dwell on that same time of day again, but with a happy memory.
3. draw scribble or write stories out when you're unhappy. Putting your feelings down as something will help them dissapate.
4. Keep a journal, but don't try to write every day. Try to write a sweeping overview of a year or a part of a year, cause you can burn out the urge to write a diary, if you force yourself to write in it every day. Just write a big chunk down, then hide the journal for later to find again.
5. Covet something. If you have a guilty pleasure, or something you really like, keep it up. Don't feel guilty or stupid or like you're wasting your time / money on it, just enjoy it! If you control the one or two things you really obsess over, can't get enough of, you'll have the control to limit yourself to those couple things, and not go overboard on a whole bunch of things at once.
6. write down exactly what foods & drink are comfort foods. It's not easy remembering what favorite drink and food you need to bring you out of a funk. It's easy if you can look it up and go have that special cup of expresso or something, and feel all warm & snuggly.
7. fundamental item replacement : i dunno if this plagues you like it does me, but I could never get used to a filing cabinet. I always found I liked putting paperwork in food coolers. You might find you can't feel comfortable using something other people find a-natural, if you have to replace something with another thing to feel at ease & comforted, do it.


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